1. What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a form of integrative medicine in which fine needles are inserted into specific points on the body for alleviating a wide range of symptoms.
2. Where did it originate?
Acupuncture originated in China over 3000 years ago. It is a therapeutic method now practiced all over the world. In the United States, acupuncture is practiced in a variety of settings, anywhere from a hospital to a spa or wellness center.
3. Who can benefit from Acupuncture?
Many types of people can benefit from acupuncture. Young and old, healthy or struggling, this form of medicine can help almost everyone! Many people come to acupuncture seeking relief from pain or illness. However, in recent years it has become popular with elite athletes to help with workout recovery and performance enhancement. Some couples seek acupuncture for fertility and often use it to compliment In Vitro Fertilization therapies. Seniors receive acupuncture to help them remain more active and improve mobility and stability. People seeking to improve the luster and appearance of their skin utilize Facial Rejuvenation. Acupuncture is even used by the US military to help relieve pain and reduce symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
4. What conditions can Acupuncture improve?
Acupuncturists can help many types of conditions. Practitioners work in a holistic way, seeking out the underlying causes of symptoms to correct internal imbalances, restore function to the body and reduce pain.
5. Conditions successfully treated with Acupuncture:
- Musculoskeletal pain throughout the body
- Arthritis
- Tendonitis
- Bursitis
- Acne
- Weight loss
- Digestive issues
- Stress Management
- Anxiety
- Allergies
- Fertility Issues
- Sports Injuries
- Workout Recovery
- Facial Wrinkles
6. What are the benefits of Acupuncture?
No matter what you originally came in for, you may experience benefits such as: better energy, more restful sleep, clearer thinking, and less tension. Often people find that their digestion improves, their stress levels reduce, and focus improves. All acupuncture sessions can be designed to meet your individual case. Acupuncture can treat many symptoms simultaneously, so be sure to let your practitioner know about your needs.
7. How long will it take to get better using Acupuncture?
Everyone responds differently and every body heals at a different rate. If your condition has come about recently, it may heal more quickly than a condition that has been around for a while. Acupuncture rarely cures the problem in one session (though it has happened.) During your initial consultation, your practitioner will discuss with you what type of treatment program will be best for you, based on your individual needs.
8. How do I choose an Acupuncturist?
Safety First: Always choose licensed acupuncturists. Each state has their own set of rules governing the practice.
Comfort Next: Decide which environment you would be most comfortable in while receiving treatments. Some people prefer a medical environment such as a doctor’s office. Others would prefer to be pampered a little and do their healing in a spa like atmosphere. What matters most is that you will be able to relax and allow your body to do some healing.
9. What can I expect during a session?
Every acupuncturist is different and thus every experience will be different. Generally speaking though, they should consult with you first about your symptoms and needs before you begin and discuss with you a treatment plan. At Serasana, a 30-minute consultation time is scheduled before for your first appointment to get to know you and help determine if acupuncture will be a good fit. During this consultation, we talk about your health concerns and create a treatment plan to fit your individual needs. Treatment plans may include herbal or dietary recommendations as well as recommendations for bodywork or lifestyle modifications.
10. How many sessions will I need?
An Acupuncturist can determine your rate of response within four visits. After four visits a more accurate treatment plan will be derived. Most courses of treatment range from 4-10 visits with a frequency of twice per week to biweekly depending upon the severity of the condition.